Monday, December 12, 2011

Dec. 9 Newsletter

Christmas Party Letter

December Character Award Winners

The following students won the award for Service and Stewardship!  Keep up the great attitudes!

Jada Meeuwes

Jaylen Schroeder

Mackenzie Cole

Sam Serr

Joe Wendlowsky

Koby Walls

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Social Studies Review Jeopardy Game

We will take a test on Thursday Dec. 1.  Here if our review powerpoint if you would like to quiz your child.

Class News 11-29-11

Due to the two short weeks I did not send home a newsletter last Wednesday, but I did want to remind you of a few things.

-We are shopping at the book fair this week.  Students may bring in money if they would like to purchase something.

-Book orders are due on Thursday, 12-1-11.  This is the last book order before our Christmas break.  If you would like to order I encourage you to check out the great titles and great deals.

-We have an Awards Assembly on Thursday from 2:30-3.  Please come join us!

-Friday is a BIG day!  We have our dress rehearsal for our play at 9 am.  We will be perfroming our play at 7 pm Friday night, and all students should be in their classrooms at 6:30 to be ready and in necessary costumes.  Elves should wear dark pants or skirt and white, red, or green shirt or a Christmas dress.
Reindeer should wear all brown or tan clothing.

-PTO has a treat for sale on Friday for 25 cents.

-Our class has helped collect and count $696 in BOXTOPS for our PTO.  This money is used for school materials, playground equipment, paying for field trips, and much more. 

-Every year we have a book exchange instead of a gift exchange at our classroom Christmas party.  Everyone is asked to purchase an age-appropriate book- try to spend no more than $5.00, and bring the book wrapped for a gift exchange.  The class loves it and instead of a toy everyone leaves with a book that they can read over the Christmas break and for years to come.  All books should be brought in by Dec. 15th and they should be wrapped and labeled with a gift tag from your child.  The tag should say if the book is specific to a “girl”, “boy”, or “both”.  If you need help providing a book I will gladly help out if you will let me know in advance.  I want everyone to have the opportunity to play, so please help me help everyone have fun.  Thank you!

That sums up most of what is happening right now!  :)


Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall 2011 Conference Schedule

Yak's Corner Magazine for Kids - Character Contest

Each student will be entering the Yak's Corner Character Contest.  Yesterday each student picked their favorite book character, and they each wrote why they liked that character the best.  We will be finalizing our paragraphs and completing a drawing of the character by Monday.  Students who win this contest will receive a gift card to Barnes and Noble and their artwork will be published in the magazine.  I can't wait to see the final products!

October Newsletters

I am very sorry that I have not been updating my newsletters on the the blog.  I apologize, and hope I will be more timely so that you are able to check the blog for events and news!  :)

View more documents from nawrota.

View more documents from nawrota.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back to School

I can't believe it- Back to School Night is here!  I am looking forward to meeting all of my new students and their families on Wednesday, August 31 from 6:30-7:30pm.    Please join us and make yourself at home in our classroom!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20th Newsletter Notes


Students must finish writing their final draft of their Michigan paper this weekend. All Michigan presentations will begin on May 31. Students are required to make a PowerPoint presentation or a poster board with the highlights of their research. They will present the information to the class.

Our test will be next week over angles, lines, polygons, and other geometry concepts. It will be Thursday or Friday.

Final Awards Assembly
June 2 at 2:30 in the auditorium—Please join us!

Upcoming Fieldtrip
*Mrs. Shelton and Mrs. Stevens will be chaperoning

*Students need to bring a sack lunch, comfy shoes, a water bottle, wear a CCA uniform, and be ready to have a great day!

Field Day
Mark your calendars because field day is coming! Field day will be held on May 27. Grades 3-6 will be down at the track from about 8:30-11:30. We are in need of parent volunteers. We are the Nawrot Ninjas! We are excited to show our super hero strengths and abilities! We have a free out-of-uniform day and our class will be wearing red or blue shirts!

Book Orders
All book orders will be sent in today. Thank you for your support this year, and I hope that all of our books will be in by June 1st.

Globe Help
I am looking for a globe. If you have a globe that you are willing to part with, please send it in!

Hemlock Park
Our class will be walking to Hemlock Park to enjoy the playground and some time together on June 9. If you would like to organize activities or attend let me know!

Pizza and Movie Reward

All students who reach 100% of their AR point goal and master 8 more objectives in the Accelerated Math program by June 1 will be able to participate in a classroom pizza party! Mrs. VanderSloot has thrown in dessert and has offered us the library space to watch our movie if everyone makes their goals! We are very excited!

May/June Character Quality -Wonder-
What are you curious about?

Bella wonders where gum came from.

Amelia wonders why bell peppers come in different colors.

Mrs. Nawrot wonders how she will get along without her great class next year!

Monday, May 16, 2011

May 13 Newsletter Notes


This week we took all of our research notes and placed them into an outline. The students are excited to use their outlines to write their Michigan Research Papers. Students will be revising their papers next week and all presentations will begin on May 31. Students are required to make a PowerPoint presentation, a poster board with the highlights of their research, or a brochure. They will present the information to the class.

Our new unit will cover lines, angles, symmetry, polygons, and much more! We begin our new unit on Monday.

Awards Assembly
Our May Awards Assembly will be Thursday, May 19. It will be at 2:30 pm.

Upcoming Fieldtrip
We will be going on a trip to Ludington on May 25. We will only be able to take 2 adults from our class. If you would like to be considered for the trip return the form attached to the permission slip. All permission slips will be due by May 18. I will let you know by May 18 if you were selected to attend the trip.

Field Day
Mark your calendars because field day is coming! Field day will be held on May 27. Grades 3-6 will be down at the track from about 8:30-11:30. We are in need of parent volunteers. Please return the sign-up form if you would like to help with field day.

Final Book Orders for the Year
Kick off summer reading by checking out the final Scholastic Book Club order. Forms are also available at thru my class blog. All orders are due on May 20.

Globe Help
I am looking for a globe. If you have a globe that you are willing to part with, please send it in!

Pizza and Movie Reward

All students who reach 100% of their AR point goal and master 8 more objectives in the Accelerated Math program by June 1 will be able to participate in a classroom pizza party! If every student reaches the above goals we will also enjoy a class movie reward! Please encourage your child to be reading and working on Accelerate Math so they may participate.

MAP Testing Continues Next Week—Wednesday and Friday

May Character Quality -Wonder-
What are you curious about?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Michigan Research Project

* If you are beginning to look for sources of information, let me encourage you to use the following database website.
                - I have used KidsInfoBits and enjoy the articles on it from the Michigan History for Kids                            magazine.

* I would also recommend using the card catalog for our library, the public library, and the Ferris library.

Mrs. Nawrot's News April 21


This week we have introduced the Michigan Research project that we will be working on for several weeks. Students will be researching a Michigan topic. I recommend going to the public library, using the school library, and using the Kid Databases at to find information for this project. We will also be researching using Michigan books here in the classroom.

Our measurement test was today! We will be continuing our look into measurement with a look into weight and liquid measurements.

Back to Science
This week we looked at the moon and the phases it goes through. We explored the size of the moon using clay, and the students were surprised by how small the Earth and moon are compared to the sun.

Awards Assembly
The Awards Assembly for April will be April 28 at 2:30. Please join us as we recognize our accomplishments!

Parent Teacher Conference Sign-Ups
Our last parent teacher conferences will be May 3 and 5. This conference can be a face-to-face conference or you may choose to have a phone call or an email form of communication. If you would please sign-up on the blue conference form and return it to me by Tues., April 26 I would appreciate it. Thank you!

No School
On May 6 we will not be having school. Instead, the teachers will be meeting for professional development. Hopefully the weather will be beautiful for you!

Earth Day
We were cleaning up the grounds around the school in honor of Earth Day. Be thinking of a way that you can impact the world around you!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1 Newsletter

We had a great week of writing! We worked on a diamante poem and a color poem. If you are looking for poetry to read with your child please check out Shel Silverstein, Jack Prelutsky, Kenn Nesbitt, and Mary O’Neill. We will continue poetry our first week back from break!

We worked on moving forward in our AM this week. AM is Accelerated Math, and each student is working at their own pace and mastering concepts that they are ready for. It has been great to tackle individual student questions these last few days.

When we come back from break we will be doing a unit on Measurement, using scales, rulers, thermometers, etc.

Report Cards
Students will be bringing home their report cards today. Please look over the report card and let me know if you have any questions.

Battle of the Books
Most students really enjoyed the Battle of the Books. I am already looking forward to next year’s battle. I hope that we will have a list of all of the books so that students can begin reading them during summer break!

Back to Science
We will be studying the moon and the earth. Key words will be orbit, revolution, and rotation.

Talent Show
Talent show contracts and sign ups must be done in the office by April 12. The talent show will be on Friday May 13.

CCA Track and Field Club
Students are invited to Track and Field Club on Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 for the month of April. Permission forms are at the bottom of the Cougar Mews.

Books Orders Due April 15 (Thanks)

Congratulations to Mrs. Benson-

Mrs. Benson had a baby boy this week. His name is Colton Henry Benson, and he was born on March 30 at 8:43 in the morning. He was 6 lbs. 2 oz. Both Mrs. Benson and Colton are doing well.

April Character Quality -
Gentleness and Humility
We will be looking into how gentleness and humility
can shape us into more compassionate people.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Newsletter Notes 3-11-11


Our class just finished their final drafts to their favorite authors. We are hoping to get some letters back! Next week we will be starting a poetry unit.

Forms were due today!

We finished wrapping up our first section on division. We had a test on Thursday. We will be continuing division, working on problems ending in zero and containing decimals.

Social Studies
Mrs. Nawrot’s class is studying Michigan history for social studies. They are discussing the underground railroad and slavery.

Science boards have been handed out Students should be working on putting their boards together. They were given a sheet to show how their boards should look. SCIENCE BOARDS ARE DUE MARCH 17TH!! Please do not have your child bring their board until March 17th because we do not have room to store them.

Book Orders-
Book orders came in this week, so your child should have brought home their books.

March started reading month. We have been D.E.A.R reading every morning to support the cause. Also, on the 18th of March, we are doing rockin’ reading. It is where the students go to the auditorium and rock in a chair and read. Students can earn a free book by reading 4 different genres during the month.

Mrs. Kostecki-
Next week is my last week teaching full time. I am sad that it is coming to an end already. This has been a wonderful experience!! I have been truly enjoying getting to know each of your students.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Field Trip- Special Note
If you would like to join us for the field trip to the Roller Rink on March 11th, please feel free!  We will be walking over at about 12:35, and if you would like to skate the cost is $3.  If you would like to just join us, I believe that there will be no charge.  See you on Friday!


Our class finished our bird projects this week and the books look great! We are now working on how to write a friendly letter. The students next week will write a letter to one of their favorite authors, hoping to get a letter back.

It is that time of year already! Re-enrollment papers should be turned in as soon as possible to make sure your child gets settled into a spot in 5th grade next year. Forms are due by March 11th.

This week in math we have been working on division and bringing down numbers. We have also been working on remainders. Our math test will be Thursday the 17th.

Science Test Complete-
In science we finished our unit on fossils and rocks this week. I was very pleased with how the students did on their tests. We are switching classes now, so Mrs. Nawrot’s class will be going to Mrs. Alexander’s class for social studies.

Science Fair-
Pink sheets for the science fair project were due last week. Science fair boards were sent home this Monday, along with a layout of how the board should look. Science boards are due March 17th.

Book Orders-
Thank you for your orders! The book fair is going on right now in our school library. It is going on until the 9th of March. It is open till 5:00 p.m. each day.

March starts reading month. We have Leslie Helakoski, an author, coming to talk to our students. We are doing DEAR (drop everything and read) right now in class.

Mrs. Kostecki-
I am looking forward to our field trip next week. I can’t wait to experience my first one! I am hoping I don’t fall too much!

March Character Quality -


Monday, February 28, 2011

Author Coming to CCA!

Children’s author, Leslie Helakoski is visiting CCA elementary on Tuesday, March 8th. Mrs. Helakowski’s book, Big Chickens was the 2007 Michigan Reads! One State One Picture Book award winner. Mrs. Helakoski will deliver 3 presentations for CCA students. Many thanks to our PTO for sponsoring our author’s visit. If you are interested in purchasing a book, Great Lakes Books and Supply located at 840 Clark St.,will have copies prior to the author’s visit. Please support local businesses. Our author will be signing books at the conclusion of her presentations.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Newsletter Notes 1-28-11


Students have been working so hard on their reading! I was very proud to see half of our class on the stage yesterday at our Awards Assembly. The students received their new Goal cards for the new marking period. Please encourage your reader! Book-It slips will be sent home with students who reach 50% of their reading goal by Feb. 25th.

This week we started filling in our Venn Diagrams with our Bird information. Next week students will begin writing paragraphs about their birds with a focus on the Organization trait of writing.

Parent/Teacher Conferences-
I would just like to remind you that the conferences are next week. I look forward to seeing you!

No School-
We will not have school on Feb. 4, 18, or 21.

Valentine’s Day Party-
Our class will celebrate Valentine’s Day a little early this year. We will be handing out Valentine’s on Feb. 11 in the afternoon. If your child would like to make Valentine’s the class list is provided on the back.

This week our students learned how difficult and tricky multiplication can be. We tried our first lesson on 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication. Next week we will be practicing this new skill and are looking to take a test on Thursday.

Science is Coming-
Our class will be switching back to Science on Feb. 7. We will be looking into a unit on Rocks and Fossils.

*Students were given back their graded Sci. fair proposals. Now students should conduct their experiment. The pink sheet is due on Feb. 24.

February’s Character Quality -

Perseverance -

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” —- Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb.

Edison and his team worked to make a light bulb which would burn for a long time without burning out. They tried 1,500 materials and nothing worked well. Finally he tried a new material in the filament that burned nearly 200 hours.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Mrs. Nawrot's News January 7, 2011


We are starting a unit on Multiplication. We will have a test over the basic multiplication facts and one digit by two digit multiplication on Friday, January 21.

Next week we will be starting our first research and compare and contrast writing piece. Each student will be selecting two Michigan birds and researching about their habitat, food, nesting, feathers, and much more. Please check out the website that Mrs. Benson has created for our bird project and look at which birds might be interesting to research. The website can be found on my blog.

Family Science Night-
We are excited to offer our first Family Night on Thursday, January 20th in the elementary gym and cafeteria. This is a night for ALL elementary students and their families. This is a FREE night of family fun with hands-on and minds-on science activities! Students will be able to explore magnets, fossils, birds, make their own play putty, and many other science stations. Every child that participates will also receive a FREE BOOK!

Book Orders-
January Book Orders are due on Jan. 20. I will have them available to order online through Scholastic, and you can access that through my blog.

January Awards Assembly Challenge-
It is our goal for the entire class to earn Reading Certificates, so that every child is onstage. So far 5 students have earned certificates towards January’s assembly. The assembly will be January 27th.

Science Fair-

Our students will have the opportunity to participate in the annual CCA Science Fair, which takes place on March 22. All 4th, 5th, & 6th grade students are required to complete a science project. Your child will be given a packet next week that covers all of the details including deadlines and turn in dates. Look for more information coming home next week!

Resolutions -
Now is a great time to discuss a resolution for 2011! Think about what you could resolve to make this year the best yet. It could be completing all homework or working to get more organized. We all have areas to improve on!

Michigan Bird Research Project

Please go out and view our Bird Project website.  We are going to be working on researching birds and writing a compare and contrast research piece for the next few weeks!  I can't wait to see how great our books turn out!

Visit the site today!