Friday, March 11, 2011

Newsletter Notes 3-11-11


Our class just finished their final drafts to their favorite authors. We are hoping to get some letters back! Next week we will be starting a poetry unit.

Forms were due today!

We finished wrapping up our first section on division. We had a test on Thursday. We will be continuing division, working on problems ending in zero and containing decimals.

Social Studies
Mrs. Nawrot’s class is studying Michigan history for social studies. They are discussing the underground railroad and slavery.

Science boards have been handed out Students should be working on putting their boards together. They were given a sheet to show how their boards should look. SCIENCE BOARDS ARE DUE MARCH 17TH!! Please do not have your child bring their board until March 17th because we do not have room to store them.

Book Orders-
Book orders came in this week, so your child should have brought home their books.

March started reading month. We have been D.E.A.R reading every morning to support the cause. Also, on the 18th of March, we are doing rockin’ reading. It is where the students go to the auditorium and rock in a chair and read. Students can earn a free book by reading 4 different genres during the month.

Mrs. Kostecki-
Next week is my last week teaching full time. I am sad that it is coming to an end already. This has been a wonderful experience!! I have been truly enjoying getting to know each of your students.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Field Trip- Special Note
If you would like to join us for the field trip to the Roller Rink on March 11th, please feel free!  We will be walking over at about 12:35, and if you would like to skate the cost is $3.  If you would like to just join us, I believe that there will be no charge.  See you on Friday!


Our class finished our bird projects this week and the books look great! We are now working on how to write a friendly letter. The students next week will write a letter to one of their favorite authors, hoping to get a letter back.

It is that time of year already! Re-enrollment papers should be turned in as soon as possible to make sure your child gets settled into a spot in 5th grade next year. Forms are due by March 11th.

This week in math we have been working on division and bringing down numbers. We have also been working on remainders. Our math test will be Thursday the 17th.

Science Test Complete-
In science we finished our unit on fossils and rocks this week. I was very pleased with how the students did on their tests. We are switching classes now, so Mrs. Nawrot’s class will be going to Mrs. Alexander’s class for social studies.

Science Fair-
Pink sheets for the science fair project were due last week. Science fair boards were sent home this Monday, along with a layout of how the board should look. Science boards are due March 17th.

Book Orders-
Thank you for your orders! The book fair is going on right now in our school library. It is going on until the 9th of March. It is open till 5:00 p.m. each day.

March starts reading month. We have Leslie Helakoski, an author, coming to talk to our students. We are doing DEAR (drop everything and read) right now in class.

Mrs. Kostecki-
I am looking forward to our field trip next week. I can’t wait to experience my first one! I am hoping I don’t fall too much!

March Character Quality -
