Friday, December 10, 2010

Mrs. Nawrot's News for 12-10-10


Today, Dec. 10, I will begin entering our Midterm grades. Students are now halfway through our 2nd marking period.

We have been working our way through fractions. This week we looked at Mixed Numbers, adding fractions, equivalent fractions, and finding fractions on a number line.

We will have a test over our Fractions on Thursday.

Missing Work-
The class discovered that we were having quite a few missing/late assignments. We are all going to be working hard not to get behind again!

Our legend books are looking great! Each child has done a fine job and has truly worked very hard! We can’t wait to show them to you!

Book-It Slips-
Students will receive their Pizza Hut Book-It slips on Monday for being at 50% of their AR reading goal.

December Awards Assembly -
We will be recognizing our students who show Service and Stewardship. We will also be awarding the Reading and Math awards. Please join us on Thursday.

Many of the students enjoyed using the web to create their Crosswords and Word Searches this week! I was proud of the many students who also completed the extra credit “Find it in Print” activity.

Next week we will be covering Chapter 12 from our Science textbooks. We will be looking at how Heat is transferred. The chapter is only 2 lessons long. We will have the Chapter 12 test on Thursday next week!

Christmas Party Clarification-

- Our party will be on Dec. 17th in the afternoon.
- I sent a note home on Wed. that indicated what food items we would like your help providing.
- Please let me know by Monday if you would like to provide a treat. I will send a note home confirming your treat. :)
-We will be decorating sugar cookies as part of our party.
- Our class will be exchanging a book for our Christmas party. Each student should bring a book they think a classmate would enjoy reading. Please try to keep it $5 or under. We will be wrapping the book and labeling it: “Boy”, “Girl”, or “Both.” If you need help providing a book please let me know.